首页 - 热议 > 捡垃圾英语(跑步捡垃圾活动英语作文)


发布时间:2024-07-12 12:39:32 阅读:751


捡垃圾,英语是: pick up trash。百 详细解释:pick up 英[pik ?p] 美[p?k ?p] v. 捡起; 接载; 学会; 逮捕; [例句]Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track..


捡垃圾- salvage garbage 或 scavenge garbage.捡垃圾的人-garbage salvager,garbage scavenger.

collect the litter pick up the litter

英雄和勇士在这里没有懦弱的废物,在这里没有出卖朋友的小人 there are only . 在这里没有出卖朋友的小人 there are no betrayers here. 在这里没有临阵脱逃的垃圾, no .

捡起垃圾 to pick up/collect garbage/waste/liter/trash/rubbish

pick up the trash

Hard work of volunteers Volunteer is a very sacred work,for everybody when a volunteer is a kind of exercise.Life is full of challenges in the world,no step face slap choice..

pick up the rubbish 或者collect the rubbish

pick up the rubbish .pick the rubbish up

The weekend of the National Holiday, I went to Dalian with 7 students and had a happy time. At 6:30 we beginning, we went there by car. It was fun. We went to the Sea World,.

He picked up the rubbish.他捡起了垃圾

pick up the litter ;pick up trash ;pick up rubbish


我们甚至比赛谁捡的垃圾更多We even race who pick up the trash more

忙于在乡下捡垃圾的 英文:Busy picking up litter in the countryside

随意涂写和乱扔垃圾等不好的行为scribble and litter is bad behavior


垃圾用英文翻译是garbage 拓展资料 垃圾: [词典]garbage; rubbish; trash; litter; [例句]水里漂满了垃圾和废物。The water was full of flotsam and refuse.Rubbish 垃圾,废物 .

In recent years, more and more migrant workers have moved to the bigcity, they have made great contribution to the development of city.However, they also brought some .

There is an old junkman.有一位拾荒的老者。注意:你可能要用过去式

您好:My name is Rachael. When I grow up, I want to be a biology teacher because then I could teach children about the environment. I think that the world is a wonderful .


I am a Hongxing high school student Li Hua Middle School class last week, our class . to the mountains, we find that there are a lot of junk, we began to pick up the garbage, .


标签: #捡垃圾 #英语 #跑步 #活动


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