首页 - 话题 > 授权书英文(授权书英文模板)


发布时间:2023-08-02 02:12:57 阅读:700


授权书 在英文中有两种形式,即letter of authorization (loa) ,比较通用,招标投标书翻译时用这个。另一个是power of attorney (poa),使用比较严格,被授权人应为律师.


授权书authorization;[法] certificate of authorization更多释义>>[网络短语]授权书 power of attorney;Letter of Authorization;letter of authority委托授权书 power of attorney;.

委托书的英文:letter of attorney、power of attorney 词汇解析:1、letter of attorney 英文发音:[?let?(r) ?v ??t??ni] 中文释义:代理人授权书;委任状;委托书 例句.

“授权书”用英文翻译为“authorization certificate of authorization”。双语例句:1. 审计人员然后具有对董事会决议、合同、采购授权书、发票、工作确认证明和已付支票.


Letter of Authorization To:________For some reason,I am sorry to say I have no time to apply for a visa to your Consul by myself .And I authorize ** to do that for me,he has all .

委托书power of attorney;letter of authorization

P O W E R OF A T T O R N E Yn the City of (city), on this day (day) of (month) .

纯手工power of attorneyhereby appoint and authorize:guangzhou mervyns garments co., ltd.the power to use the trade mark of “french mervyns international garments group.




I / I is the country of nationality, according to the law of the State composed of commissioned agents are now the subject as follows "√" matters. √ applications for .

委托书一共有这样几种说法:a power of attorney proxy standing order trust deed但是如果是正式的话,应该是用a power of attorney


我是没见过授权信要讲原因的。建议你先发邮件问问可不可以代领题目:letter of authroization正文:to xxx (学校名)i, ______ (你的拼音名字), hereby authorized __.

a certificate of entrustment; a commission; a letter of attorney; a power of attorney; an authorization; a warrant


XX公司是我公司中国区域合作伙伴。可以代表我公司在中国区域销售我公司所有产品。特此授权XX company is our regional partner in china. On behalf of our company, we .


纯手工Power of attorneyHereby appoint and authorize:Guangzhou Mervyns Garments Co., Ltd.The power to use the trade mark of “French Mervyns International Garments .

全权委托carte blanche更多释义>>[网络短语]全权委托 Carte Blanche;Discretionary Account;carte blanche全权委托账户 Discretionary Account创建全权委托指令 .

内容是我公司委托某某人到你处(the immigration department of HK)领取另。

P O W E R O F A T T O R N E YKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that __________________(company name) is situated at_______________________(address), .


Trustor: XXX, male, born in 196X, lives in XXXXXXX, passport No. XXXXXXX.Trustee: XXX, XXX, lawyers of Guangdong XX Law Firm.It is hereby certified that I authorize .

授权证书英文letter of authorityt授权证书英文封authorityt


授权书通常是 authorization但如果是说工厂同意让你们卖某产品,那就是要你们出具和工厂签订的销售合同或代理销售同意书(协议)了(sales agent agreement/.


I hereby certify that I (name)authorize my sisiter(name) to undertake all my bank business.查了语法书,更正,接不定式,楼主看看


标签: #授权书 #英文 #模板
